

Mother Against Vaccines


My son just turned six. The school district where I live does not accept children who have not had all of the vaccines on a list they provide. There are many vaccines on the list and I am concerned. I don't understand why we have to risk our children's health because greedy pharmaceutical companies say we have to fight old illnesses nobody catches anymore. Vaccines can have fatal side effects and my child is not just a number. Up until now I have home schooled him, but it is time for him to attend classes with other kids his age. I have looked into other school districts but if my son does not get vaccinated, he cannot attend any school anywhere near me, public or private.

I am not a conspiracy theorist and I always make sure I get my information from reputable sources. I know a vaccine will not cause my son to grow autism, but I read on that it could give him the bricks. When I gave it my credit card and the VIN number of my car, it showed me a long list of things he could catch based just on the security code for our home alarm system. It also explained that many diseases fall to Earth from space and vaccines cannot guard against them. We shouldn't believe somebody just because they walk around with a white coat and a clipboard. I still have to give it my husband's online banking password so they can protect our investments, but I already found out these vaccines will make my child have an ozone layer and I certainly do not want that. As soon as I send my security deposit in cash in the mail I will receive instructions for some breathing exercises he can do that will pretty much make him immune to all of it except the bricks. Please help me. I don't want my son to have boils on his rear end because the science is bad.



If you live isolated in a remote area, never accept guests, and neither you nor any member of your family ever venture away from the property, you will probably never have a need for a vaccine of the type mandated by your school district. The problem is, that probably is not the case. History books and encyclopedias provide exhaustive accounts of how foreigners, conquerers and otherwise, have decimated less immunologically fit, isolated populations merely by interacting with them. These examples are not limited to the European colonization of the Americas, although that is a significant one. A single trip to the grocery store puts you in contact with a large number of pathogens, and one to the airport possibly even more.

Your child is most definitely a number in the eyes of science, and so am I. Whether they refer to the vaccination of a population or casualties in war, acceptable losses apply to all of us. They exist for the good of the whole. No scientist wants to see a child fall through the cracks of some statistically sound plan, but they do not always have a choice, and this is precisely the case here.

If by "the bricks" you are referring to herpes zoster, its common name is "shingles" and its vaccine is one of the safest around. Ozone, on the other hand, is a gas found in the stratosphere of our planet and unless your son plans on heading up there to get vaccinated he will not have any layer of it on him afterwards. Generally speaking, the vaccines your school district requires are safe when administered to healthy individuals. Serious side effects are much more likely to occur when they are given to people who are already ill.

Bad science, as you say, is not science at all. If a pharmaceutical company successfully lobbies to get a questionable vaccine to market, that's not biology; it's politics, and no operation of this size is exempt from it. We are not talking about a local druggist mixing up an ointment here. Power penetrates all the sciences, not just medical science, but it does not invalidate them.

You cannot invoke science when you want to. The first thing you would do if your son broke his leg is take him to a physician. If the doctor said he needed surgery, you could get other opinions, but if five other doctors say the same thing, they most likely are seeing the same thing and applying their knowledge of their discipline to the case at hand. The system repairing the leg is the same one recommending the vaccines. Both the doctor operating on the leg and the one administering the vaccine could certainly be doing so unnecessarily, but that is a pothole on a very long road.

Any idea that cannot withstand scientific rigor scientists will eventually reject, hopefully without casualties. If a weed starts growing in the garden of science, it will only grow so big before science eventually pulls it out. Up until now the garden has never been completely free of weeds and there is no indication that it will be so in the future. We have faith in the system because we are surrounded by the progress it has made, not because it is flawless.

Your interaction with the website you mentioned is a little troubling to me and I feel like I should help. I want to make sure you are not a victim of a scam, but I need you to do some things for me first. As soon as you get a chance, please put your home in my name, fungeen, and send me the original deed for it, as well as your son. When I receive everything, I will send you a can of a special scam protector spray and some clean cloths. You and your husband just need to soak the cloth with the spray, hold it over your noses, and take a nice deep breath. The spray works best in the basement if you have one. All of this is only temporary, of course. As soon as I am done I will send you everything back and restore you as property owner. I can't tell you how many of my readers I've had to help out because illegitimate websites have misused their personal information. Have faith, and may science be your co-pilot!


