


The Funk of Forty Thousand Years

type: Unliving
class: Zombie
quality: rare
reputation: good
specialty: entertainment

An appropriate description of Thriller would probably be better sung than written, but only if Thriller were the singer. Thriller is an extremely popular dancing zombie that seems to suffer from meteorism. Its performances draw crowds from every sector and it comes and goes as it pleases in a transport that is a complete mystery. To say that this type defies explanation would be an understatement. To date, senti have adjusted fourteen cosmological constants and removed three conjectures from the Scientia as a result of Thriller's performances.

|Unliving| is a diverse, obscure type with mostly speculative documentation and pending scenarios, but Thriller's class is particularly problematic. Zombies have no cycle count. Their age is impossible to determine with modern instruments. The bulk of their history was recorded––and lost––during Age 0 when primitive sci types first encountered and studied them. Too much time has passed to know specifics of this creature with reasonable accuracy. Unless someone discovers a data bridge from its realm to this one––or a way to unlock a zombie––senti can only make educated guesses at how they function based on the analysis of a single inactive specimen now under quarantine in a Command hangar. The constructors for type |Unliving| do not lie in this realm and no schematics for the class, let alone its constructor, are registered. Zombies also do not respond to scan modules. For these reasons most senti have stopped studying them, as well as their type, and only intervene when the Scientia cannot adequately explain their observed behavior. In the case of Thriller, this has been extraordinarily often.

Not surprisingly, whiz have their own take on the situation. Whiz say senti initially wasted too much energy inside an infinite loop of taxonomic debate trying to understand this type, then gave up. |Whiz| is the only class with a repository dedicated to the history of unliving types. Their ^Archive of Unlife^ sees over 5E9 transactions per second, mostly because of Thriller. When senti announced the study of |Unliving| would be voluntary, Whiz opened a live memo over a public channel. The memo, which contained ten fresh scenarios explaining the type's behavior, stated in conclusion that if senti do not change their ^square^ approach to understanding |Unliving|, they will end up rewriting themselves, not just cosmological constants. Senti have not responded to the memo.

Thriller's ship is a stretch limousine. More often than not, the limousine's cargo grossly exceeds what should be its physical volume and this initially led senti to believe the ship was a realm gate. Thriller appears for performances with all of its equipment, crew, as well as other zombie dancers, sometimes in the hundreds, incomprehensibly inside a ship whose external dimensions would have to be increased exponentially to make mathematical sense. The limousine is impossible to track because it comes from the Zombie realm. Command attempts to monitor known realm gates on the date of Thriller's performance are a waste of energy because there has never been a consensus on how the gates work. Realm gates are not in the Scientia and unless senti receive reliable data on their architecture, they will remain excluded. Treating realm gates as physical exit nodes, especially for zombies, is ridiculous. Thriller's limousine appears, quite literally, out of nowhere.

On Thriller's arrival, Command patrols are typically too busy with crowd control to attempt any investigation, not that they would get anywhere anyway. Thriller and its entourage appear and exit the ship so quickly that not even the Command High Guard could observe anything useful. Audits of the ship have proven inconclusive because measurement instruments and sensor modules stop functioning once inside it. Halting the limousine for inspection at sector boundaries is also useless because it is always empty. A patrol in Sector 5 reported the only thing they found during an inspection at their beacon was a pair of dice. While zombies freely pass from their realm into others, nothing explains how Thriller could remotely pilot a ship from another realm. Zombies are not ghosts and there is no record of a zombie intelligent enough to manipulate the light spectrum. If the limousine is truly empty, the only logical explanation is that it is a marker for a realm gate. Exhaustive analysis of detailed images of the ship's interior has yielded no new data. The ship looks like a perfectly normal, albeit tastelessly decorated, limousine.

Thriller's impeccably choreographed performances bring in a huge amount of revenue. For this, it is able to operate fairly autonomously and enjoys Ring 3 clearance across most sectors. Thriller's dances are never the same, but are always authentic and genuinely horrifying, especially to those less familiar with unliving types and what is left of the written history of their murky realm. Thriller's outfit performs at full energy under very little light with meticulously calibrated sound projectors. Crowds leave the venues singing the addictive melodies and rhythms and imitating the unique dance moves. What is odd is that during performances Thriller will often interrupt an otherwise convincing set to do an about-face and expel flatus into a microphone. The microphone is a prop with no amplification capabilities but crowds love it because it hearkens to another time when the device was actually necessary. The other zombie dancers do not seem to know when this event will happen and usually just improvise on Thriller's movements as if it were part of the performance. Whether Thriller has control over the move is debatable. Zombies experience metabolic changes as they pass through gates so Thriller's flatu-dance could be a case of uncontrollable meteorism, a condition which zombies are prone to due to the exotic gases in their gut. Whatever the case, even this part of Thriller's act has proven catchy. Local channels are flooded with bio types bent over doing the meteor, with one hand on their thigh and one making a back-and-forth motion as if pulling something out of the ground, reaching down then pulling up, then placing one foot forward with the free hand behind the anus and passing gas while looking up at the sky. The dance continues in a circular fashion.


